Snoring & Sleep Apnoea

Sleeping disorders like snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea affect you and everyone else in your home. If you wake up tired in the morning or have been told that you gasp for breath while you sleep, you could have a form of sleep apnoea.

Talking to your GP and having a sleep study conducted can help rule out any serious medical problems. It can also tell you if you have sleep apnoea and the severity of your snoring. If you’re one of the people who is CPAP intolerant or needs help controlling your snoring, an oral sleep appliance might be the best solution.

SomnoMed® Oral Sleep Appliances

Oral sleep appliances like SomnoMed position your jaw in a way that it naturally enlarges the airway at the back of your mouth. By gently guiding your jaw forwards, it prevents your tongue and soft tissues from sealing off your upper airway. As a result, your oxygen intake isn’t restricted.

SomnoMed is quite effective for improving sleep quality, reducing snoring and managing oral sleep apnoea symptoms. The high success rate makes this appliance a great alternative for people who don’t want or can’t use a CPAP machine.

man snoring with sleep apnea image

SomnoMed® Oral Sleep Appliances

Oral sleep appliances like SomnoMed position your jaw in a way that it naturally enlarges the airway at the back of your mouth. By gently guiding your jaw forwards, it prevents your tongue and soft tissues from sealing off your upper airway. As a result, your oxygen intake isn’t restricted.

SomnoMed is quite effective for improving sleep quality, reducing snoring and managing oral sleep apnoea symptoms. The high success rate makes this appliance a great alternative for people who don’t want or can’t use a CPAP machine.

Benefits of SomnoMed Sleep Devices

  • Effective
  • Discreet
  • Quiet
  • Easy to travel with

Most people see results during the first night’s use.


Better sleep is just a dentist appointment away. Speak to us today about our oral appliance solutions.

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