Whites Dental Care Blog

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Young girl placing her Invisalign aligner in her mouth

What is Invisalign?

Are you one of the 55% of Australians who feel self-conscious about their teeth? You’re not alone. More than half of Australians believe that a good smile can give you confidence. With so many teeth straightening options available, it’s easier than ever before to improve your smile. And one of the most popular

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Play it safe with a custom-made mouthguard

There are plenty of health benefits to participating in sport, but if you choose to play a contact sport including rugby league, rugby union, hockey, or a combat sport like MMA or boxing, you need to be mindful of potential dental injuries. These injuries might include cut lips, cheeks, and gums, chipped, broken

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How to improve your dental health in 2021

It’s official. The new year has begun. As has your commitment to your new year’s resolutions. You may have resolved to vow off fast food, go to the gym every morning, or learn a new language. But some resolutions can be more realistic and easier to commit to every day for that feeling

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The dangers of DIY dental

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a dangerous trend that’s become particularly popular with young adults and teenagers. It’s called dental DIY, and ranges from consumer teeth whitening and mouthguards products right through to home orthodontic and teeth shaping treatments.  Some may see these DIY treatments marketed by unqualified influencers and celebrities

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5 things you need to know about porcelain veneers

Beautiful teeth make a lasting impression. But not everyone has teeth that make them want to smile. More than 50% of Australians feel embarrassed about the state of their teeth and almost two thirds, given the chance, would do something to change them. So it makes sense why cosmetic procedures like dental veneers

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What is bruxism?

If you’ve ever woken up with a sore jaw, headache, or aching teeth, you’re not alone. You could be one of the millions of people suffering from bruxism, better known as “teeth grinding”. The cause is not always clear but it’s considered a common (and subconscious) reaction to stress or anxiety. Even children

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What you need to know about the cost of dentistry

Most dental conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease are largely preventable. Yet in 2017-18, 72,000 Australians were hospitalised as a result of these conditions and the trip may have been prevented with earlier attention. But why do so many of us ignore the warning signs and leave dental problems untreated? For

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How poor oral health can affect your overall well-being

Ever wondered what affect your oral health has on your overall health and wellbeing? Poor oral health can impact your mental and physical state by impeding your ability to eat, speak, and smile. This can lead to pain, discomfort, and often embarrassment. According to Australia’s National Oral Health Plan, poor oral health can

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Keep your oral health in check this Dental Health Week

August 3 to August 9 is Dental Health Week, an initiative by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) to educate people about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene. This year, the ADA is throwing a spotlight on hidden sugars in the foods and drinks we consume, raising the question – how much sugar

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What to consider before getting dental implants

Australians aged 15 and over have an average of 12.8 decayed, missing or filled teeth. This statistic proves we aren’t paying our teeth the attention they deserve. So what happens if a severely decayed tooth needs removing or you suffer from missing teeth? If not replaced, your surrounding teeth can quickly move into

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